We recently designed and built these custom cabinets for a client that wanted a built in look around there fireplace area. We removed the fireplace mantel and installed the two custom built cabinets on both sides then re designed and cut the orignal mantel to fit the new cabinets. This way it looks like the two have been together always.
Each cabinet will have lights and storage for dvds, cds, books and also two window seats for guest and reading in the summer sun light. A corner cabinet a waits a new 48" plasma tv. With home theater storage below for all the componets.
We added crown molding to the tops of the cabinets to give a nice finish look.
The customer is painting these himself, and is doing a great job! Almost done.
Anyone interested in a custom home theater cabinet of bookcases let us know we can help design one for you or with you.
James Roggero
Roggero Construction
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